The Grape Organisation

The Masters Apprentices

​The Masters Apprentices are a legendary Oz rock band spanning over 5 decades.The Masters Apprentices feature 4 original 1960s members including Mick Bower (guitarist and principal composer), Brian Vaughton (drums), Gavin Webb (bass) and Rick Harrison (guitarist). Vocalist Craig Holden upfront and Bill Harrod (Bass) round out the lineup.In the 60’s, the Masters became a rock’n’roll / rhythm and blues institution alongside the Aztecs, The Loved Ones, The Twilights and Easybeats taking Australia by storm. Now over 50 years later they reunite to rock out yet again with a brand new repertoire in their original 60’s garage band format. It’s the only band from that era still performing major shows.Over the last 5 decades the legend behind the Masters’ songs has grown worldwide. If you see The Masters Apprentices live you will hear the Mick Bower penned early hits such as Living In A Child’s Dream, Wars or Hands of Time and Undecided alongside evergreen hits from later years such as Elevator Driver, Turn Up Your Radio, Because I Love You and much more.

The Grape Organisation
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